Wednesday 8 July 2009


I hate channel 4! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! They are twats I tell thee! Twats! Fucktards! Merciless monsters! And dare I say it... CUNTS! >.<

There is now no hoobage available to watch online. The 4od application has finally stopped working and they still haven't put any hoobage on the website. I loved having all 250 episodes available to watch whenever I wanted. My life is now ruined.

I shall be sending some very nasty e-mails to channel 4 (if I can think of what words to use). Meep. Maybe I'll start some sort of petition.

Anyway, away from all the negativity!

Earlier on I was pondering and I realised that Hoobs can't have showers or baths or anything because they hate getting wet. It made me wonder what they do to keep clean. I reckon they have dust baths like some rodents do. It's all I can think of that makes sense. I might have missed something about it in an episode though. But yeah, it would be cool if Hoobs had dust baths and thrashed around in them like degus do!

That will be all.

Hoobletoodledoo! =]


Aliquant said...

There's an episode where they ponder getting clean, and they learn how to brush each other XD (imagine all the innuendoes in that one =D)

Unknown said...

ooohh... I'm not sure whether or not I've seen that episode... and I wont be able to watch it now to find out because of stoopid 4od! >.<
brushing wouldn't actually clean them though, would it? I'd have thought it would just detangle their hoobyfur and twizzletuft...